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Make Me Beg by C.R. Jane & May Dawson


Make Me Beg, (Rich Demons of Darkwood)
C.R. Jane & May Dawson
The monsters almost made me love them. And now I’m paying the price. But so are they. Stellan, Cain, Remington, Paxton and I are locked together in a war that I refuse to lose. They’ve taken my freedom, my money, my reputation…but they can’t take my soul. They keep forgetting I was forged in fire by a demon. Monsters don’t scare me. They think I’m trapped in their mansion with them. They think every time I seek their mouths, their hands, it means something. They think they can break me with their punishments…and their pleasures. But I’m only playing their game to win our war. One by one, I’ll find their secrets, however bloody they are, and make them think I’m saving them…only to use those dark secrets against them. Death. Bloodshed. Betrayal…and now Sex. That’s all my life will ever be. Now it’s time to welcome these men into my nightmares. These monsters think they’re the kings of the world. But the king always falls without the queen. And the kings in this game...are going to burn. Book 2 of the Rich Demons of Darkwood series *Recommended 18+ due to mature language, adult situations, triggers, and sensitive content.

Rich Demons of Darkwood

Make Me Beg is the second book in the Rich Demons of Darkwood series and they most definitely have to be read in order. This second book picks up right where we left off in Make Me Lie. After that explosive ending, Aurora is ready to show these boys what she's got. She is just as crazy and twisted as they are and they have pushed her to the limit of showing it all. While they have underestimated her, she has also underestimated them as well. They go back and forth and tear each other down over and over again. Psychotic likes psychotic though and they just can't seem to get enough of it. Instead of running away, Aurora digs in deeper. Into their lives and their souls. 

I like Aurora. She's a tough cookie and she's absolutely crazy as hell. She does deep down want to be a good person. The guys are growing on me. Cain is about as crazy as they come but you can't help but love him. Remy might just be my favorite. He's rough and ruthless but there is something about him. Pax seems like maybe he is the nicest of the group. Like maybe his crazy is a little less crazy than the rest. Then there is Stellan. You feel for the boy, you really do. But this is really all his fault so he's still on the bad list. Overall they are all growing on me though and I'm happy she's still there with them. 

Now there is some serious fucked up shit that happens in this book. Like trigger warnings all over the place. Read them, they are there for a reason. If you like your dark midnight black and dirty like me, then you are in for a treat. There is a ton of action. There is never a dull moment in the whole book. Lots of sexy time. Murder. Mayhem. Just all around total fuckedupness. 

There were a couple of times that the timing of things didn't add up to me. Not everyone will probably notice but those things really stick out to me so it threw me off a bit. Other than that I can't complain about anything in the book. I love these two authors individually and I think that together they are an amazing team.

So the first book left us with a rather big bang of an ending. Well this one is going to drop your jaw as well. Of all the people, of all the things. I can't believe it was HIM who did THAT. Holy hell, I'm so ready for book three. 


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